BooknMeet HKCEC Coffee Pre-Meeting (copy)

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Register & Get a FREE Coffee at Booth D29:D31, Hall 3 of HKCEC!

Get Hands-On with

The Innovative BooknMeet Cloud Facilities / Activities Booking and Automatic Venue Access Solution via Robot-as-a-Service

Presented by Guardforce AI & VRCN Ltd, Aug 30 - Sep 1

Manpower Saving to Commercial Business Activities Operators

Ÿ   Let your customers BOOK their beloved activities & PAY online

Ÿ   Issue SECURE e-Pass without using any App & PREVENT COPYING
Ÿ   Straight SELF-CHECK IN at GFAI Robot
Ÿ   SAVE MONEY without revamping exising system but RUN PARALLEL
Ÿ   PEOPLE-BASED access log report with different filtering criteria

Visit us at the 3rd International Property Management Expo* and experience the seamless user experience your customer will find our facilitites / actvities booking and automatic venue access accreditation system.

Feel free to relate your project needs to us for more consultative opinions and cost estimation.  We are most pleased to be of reach: 

- Jack Wong /; or 
- Elvin Lee /

VRCN Limited
YouTube Video Demo:
WhatsApp: +85260716107 
(* You need to pre-register and get your traditional Visitor Pass from the Organizer by clicking this BUTTON   )

Date & Time
Thứ Tư
30 tháng 8, 2023
Start - 10:00
Thứ Sáu
1 tháng 9, 2023
End - 17:00 Asia/Hong_Kong
Địa điểm


Hồng Kông
--VRCN Booth @HKCEC--
Get the direction

VRCN Limited

+852 26678100

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