BooknMeet HKCEC Coffee Pre-Meeting (copy)
Register & Get a FREE Coffee at Booth D29:D31, Hall 3 of HKCEC!
Get Hands-On with
The Innovative BooknMeet Cloud Facilities / Activities Booking and Automatic Venue Access Solution via Robot-as-a-Service
Presented by Guardforce AI & VRCN Ltd, Aug 30 - Sep 1
Manpower Saving to Commercial Business Activities Operators
Let your customers BOOK their beloved activities & PAY online
Issue SECURE e-Pass without using any App & PREVENT COPYING
Straight SELF-CHECK IN at GFAI Robot
SAVE MONEY without revamping exising system but RUN PARALLEL
PEOPLE-BASED access log report with different filtering criteria
Visit us at the 3rd International Property Management Expo* and experience the seamless user experience your customer will find our facilitites / actvities booking and automatic venue access accreditation system.
- Jack Wong /; or
- Elvin Lee /
VRCN Limited
YouTube Video Demo:
WhatsApp: +85260716107
(* You need to pre-register and get your traditional Visitor Pass from the Organizer by clicking this BUTTON )